st{ Token[] tokens; tokens = [ Token(Token.Type.Comma, ","), Token(Token.Type.BlockStart,"{"), Token(Token.Type.Comma,","), Token(Token.Type.IndexBracketOpen,"["),Token(Token.Type.IndexBracketClose,"]"),Token(Token.Type.BlockEnd,"}") ]; assert(tokens.tokenBracketPos!true(1) == 5); assert(tokens.tokenBracketPos!false(5) == 1); assert(tokens.tokenBracketPos!true(3) == 4); assert(tokens.tokenBracketPos!false(4) == 3
Returns index of closing/openinig bracket of the provided bracket
forward if true, then the search is in forward direction, i.e, the closing bracket is searched for tokens is the array of tokens to search in index is the index of the opposite bracket
It only works correctly if the brackets are in correct order, and the closing bracket is present so, before calling this, compiler.misc.checkBrackets should be called